Recent TuGuNu Projects:

TuGuNu Picnic and Board Member election!
In April, TuGuNu held a picnic and board member election. Tim McGraw was voted as President, and probably would have been even if he hadn't brought a delicious cake. Paul is our new VP, and we hope he keeps Tim in line. Ruby was brave enough to volunteer as Treasurer, and since no one else wanted to be Secretary, Joanna Swanson stepped up. Izzy, AKA Bella, is our honorary member.​
Mountain Pride Litter Sweep 2012!
Very few people are dedicated enough to brave the cold, miserable rain to drag garbage out of the woods for hours on a Saturday morning. Tim, Joanna, and volunteer Stephen did, hauling out 14 massive garbage bags, 4 tires, 3 televisions, 2 couches, and a lot of other trash from a proposed route of the Great Eastern Trail near Baileysville. Thanks for your help!
Pineville signs on!
​​The City of Pineville has signed on, allowing the Great Eastern Trail to pass through town. For long-distance hikers, Pineville is a perfect trail town with easily- accessi​ble food, laundry, and internet. For locals, the trail through town will provide an awesome chance​ to explore the surrounding area.
​Mayor Tim Ellison signs a memorandum of understanding between the City of Pineville and the Great Eastern Trail! Thanks for your support!​

​TuGuNu Hike from Baileysville to Pineville​
TuGuNu members recently spent a day hiking from Baileysville to Pineville through some very beautiful terrain. We obtained GPS coordinates and look forward to making this section an official part of the Great Eastern Trail!
Thanks to Tim, Paul, and Eric for coming out and enjoying the day!

​Twin Falls Trail Maintenance Day​
We had an awesome time creating water bars along the Falls Trail. This should help reduce erosion problems on this popular trail.
Thanks to Jeff, Paul, Eric, Tim, John, and Bryan for braving the cold and helping out!